
Volunteer For Us

Our day-to-day life keeps us away from many good things like bringing a change and working for a betterment of society. By Volunteering for NGOs, you not only benefit the lives of the underprivileged and their families but also serve the society at large level. Above all, volunteering offers the flexibility of time & resources and the freedom to choose when and how you want to contribute to our NGO.

In any way you feel for us you can help Jeevan Care Home Foundation reach its goal and make a better India.

Now, what are you waiting for? Join us today,

Ways in which you can offer volunteering services. There are many ways in which you can serve humanity, a will to change is all you need! Some ways of offering below.


The most valuable commodity of all is time and your time and skill are one of the most valuable things you can contribute for our organization. Fill up our volunteer registration form and you will be provided with a receipt to collect donations on the behalf of Jeevan Care Home Foundation for the welfare of the society. Additionally, you will also receive an NGO volunteer certificate for your services.

Spread India:

Spreading the India about our social service can help us reach more and more people both in terms of serving more people and in terms of gaining more patrons. You can volunteer for us online, tell your friends about us, Tweet about us, blog about us, or join us on Facebook. A simple sharing of our social service activities can also help us expand our reach.

Corporate Funding: (CSR)

Your organization can partner with us under CSR or can sponsor the capital expenditure of an event or a project. Organize a donation drive in your office and encourage your colleagues to participate.


Truly the pen is mightier than the sword! If you belong to the media profession, support our noble cause by writing about us. Your reach to the masses can help us reach the people from across the country and that means more and more support for those in need.

Donation Form