
Why Become a Member?

The actions that are carried out by NGOs and other organizations are critical to maintaining social balance and justice, those dedicated to providing solutions to problems affecting such balance: addiction treatment and prevention, elderly care, education, promotion of women’s and development, etc.

Our efficiency to address the problems we endeavour to tackle depends partly on our ability to influence foundations and in organizations and to provoke changes within, communities, and local societies. If we could pool our skills and our resources, coordinate our efforts, and support each other, we’d be able to achieve much greater efficiency!

Become a Member of Jeevan Care Home Foundation


To make your voice heard in national levels, to achieve a critical mass and have more efficiency in fulfilling your objectives. As Jeevan Care Home Foundation is present and active in Substance Abuse Prevention, Elderly Care, we can defend your interests in these forums and optimize costs.

Everyone is welcome to join the Jeevan Care Home Foundation movement. Our members are at the heart of everything we do. Together we are building a better India for all, Substance Abuse Prevention.

Our members are the heart and soul of our social movement. Their values are the compass, their actions are the engine, and their experience is the fuel that drives our work for development through drugs prevention. Together we work on all levels and with the most comprehensive approach tackling alcohol as obstacle to development.

For Organizations

Our Member Organizations are heart-driven experts in their respective fields who make transformative change happen. Therefore, to join Jeevan Care Home Foundation opens doors to a range of membership benefits.

To share the Jeevan Care Home Foundation Network’s awareness.

To enrich best practice- and experience-sharing through direct contacts with the Jeevan Care Home Foundation Network member organizations operating in India. This would comprise internships and training sessions, development of common projects, etc., in Delhi and Haryana.

To gain visibility. Associate NGOs’ activities and initiatives will be promoted in Jeevan Care Home Foundation’s web site and social media and other promotional material.

As a legal entity, you too can join and become an associate member of Jeevan Care Home Foundation. This member status has been designed to allow NGOs to advance their common objectives and to give organized civil society a stronger voice within national organizations.

We offer membership for individuals and all types of civil society, trust, organizations. Our membership is diverse and thriving as we consist of, youth NGOs, community-based organizations, national NGOs, and professional institutes.

The amount of the annual membership fee

For an Individual: Rs. 5100.00/-

For Organizations: Depends on Projects

If you wish to become an associate member, please fill the form, or send a message to

Membership Benefits

Together we get things rolling:

Why work alone for a better India? we facilitate interactive exchange and conversation about Main topics relating to drugs.

Together with one voice:

Jeevan Care Home foundation articulates your interests and represents them in public processes. We advocate effectively and based on the latest science and communicate in strategic and innovative ways.

Knowing the state of the art of crucial issues:

We work tirelessly to stay ahead of the curve. You will be informed and invited to discuss latest developments in alcohol and other drug prevention issues.

Assistance with external communication strategy, including social media strategy

Exposing Drugs

Jeevan Care Home Foundation is the premier network to effectively work towards curbing Drugs & Alcohol.

Taking active part in countering the practices of the Drugs & Alcohol through our heart-driven efforts

Advice and assistance with exposing the tactics of the Drugs &Alcohol in your community.

Donation Form